Rice Pudding
This is Tim’s mom’s recipe for rice pudding! She made it for us when we went to visit a few months ago, and I loved it! So naturally I asked for the recipe and stored it mentally. Well, I’ve attempted to make this rice pudding FIVE TIMES now and just now got it right. The moral of the story is to write recipes down; you won’t remember them.
Anyway, this is super easy (in theory) to make and is relatively low maintenance once you get it going.
Here’s the recipe
1 cup arborio rice
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 cups water
sugar (I’ve added a different amount every time and have yet to really figure this one out… A sprinkle or two or three is good)
vanilla (again, I just dump some in the pot until I feel like I’ve put enough)
cinnamon sugar (optional)
A note…
Through all my previous failures with this recipe, I learned that you can use a couple combinations of liquids. I’ve used half milk and half heavy cream or half milk and the other part half and half. They all come out more or less the same. As long as you use a 4:1 liquids to rice ratio, you’ll be fine.
Step 1
Bring the heavy whipping cream and water to a boil
Step 2
Add in the rice and let simmer on low until the rice is tender (about 40-50 minutes); stir occasionally
Top with some cinnamon sugar for a super yummy breakfast (or dessert)!