Barcelona, Spain
After living in the arctic since January, I decided it was time to go someplace warm! Spain has always been on the top of my list, so why not go there?
If you don’t feel like reading, scroll to the bottom for a video of the highlights!
We flew in very late Wednesday night and went straight to the hostel. The next morning we went to breakfast at a trendy pace called Brunch & Cake. The food was all healthy super food and at first I was like ew but then it ended up being really amazing. I got this fruit and banana bread platter and I still dream about it at night. After that, we walked to La Boqueria market!
La Boqueria was the coolest, most vibrant market I’ve ever seen! There were so many different fruits, meats, foods, fruit juices, everything you can imagine! I got some chocolate covered strawberries and a mango/kiwi fruit juice that was the best juice I’ve ever had.
We walked around the gothic quarter until we found a nice little square called Placa Reial where we all sat for drinks. A dance group came and gave a performance right in front of us, and I got to be in it. I just had to stand there while one of the dancers jumped over my head. Now it’s not as impressive as it sounds because when they saw how tall I was I had to squat down.
That evening, we did a paella cooking class where we got to make some tapas, sangria, and seafood paella! Our chef took us to La Boqueria where we bought all the ingredients and were shown all the secret tips and tricks of shopping at the market! The paella came out so good; it had scallops, mussels, clams, shrimp, and calamari!
The next morning we went back to La Boqueria (because I couldn’t stay away) for breakfast. I got another mango/kiwi juice and a chorizo and cheese empanada. It was great. Next on the schedule was a bike tour of the city! I love bike tours because you can see a lot more of the city in a shorter amount of time. We went all over Barcelona to see some of Gaudi’s work (which is ugly in my opinion), and some other parts of Barcelona I never would’ve seen. My favorite part was riding along the beach and stopping to get some churros! We also stopped for ice cream and this milk stuff called Orxata that I thought tasted like lettuce.

We got lunch at a cafe on the beach then went back to the hotel for an afternoon siesta. Once we got up and moving, we went to a cafe in Placa Reial called Ocana where I got some patatas bravas and a mohito. Very yummy! That night we went to a club on the beach called Opium. The music was good and the vibes were fun!
The next morning we went to Sagrada Familia. It’s lowkey kind of ugly… It is really pretty on the inside though. It was designed to look like a forest, which is pretty neat.
We walked to Park Guell from there which was literally an hour uphill… in the heat. The park was really pretty and cool to walk through. I got some really nice pictures!
After Park Guell, we walked to a pasta place and got some cheap and good pasta. Then we went BACK to La Boqueria for some more strawberries and juice. That night, we went to see a show at the Magic Fountain and it was just alright… The music was alright and the fountain was pretty. Then we went to the hotel and went to sleep and left the next day!
I wish I had longer to stay in Barcelona! I wanted to see a flamenco show and walk around the city some more. I didn’t get to go down to the beach either. Well, lucky for me I’ll be back in summer 2020 with my mom! Barcelona, see you soon!